• Lowering pool water level
    • Blow all plumbing lines and equipment of water Add a non-toxic anti-freeze to the lines, and installing plugs and gizzmos Remove wall fittings & baskets, empty chlorinator
    • Disassemble and clean filter grids or cartridges
    • We remove the start/stop clips from your timer and turn off the breaker to your pool pad if accessible.
    • Remove and store handrails, ladders
    • Close off all heater gas valves that are accessible
    • Add winter chemical kit – algaecide, stain & scale remover, & shock
    • Standard winterizing does not include cleaning the pool – we will do minimal cleaning & close the pool in the condition it is in.
    • Install water bag or safety cover (additional charge for raised wall or rock cabling)
  • Please select services above. Packages must be prepaid.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • We will do our best to accommodate your request. We try to schedule geographically & all dates are weater permitting. Please make sure everything is accessible for the service techs
  • Customer is responsible to bring water level up to middle of skimmer/tile line and to keep pool water at proper level & water chemistry balanced between visits. Additional chemicals besides those included with opening & closing and parts which ne ed to be repaired or replaced are not included and will be billed accordingly BBC Pool Service, LLC will use your chemicals if available. If you would like us to deliver chemicals please let us know and we will deliver with service or when in your area. If a return trip is required for repair or service we will provide an estimate prior to scheduling. Larger pools and pools more than 20 miles from Emmaus may have additional charges. I hereby authorize the services described within this agreement, further I hereby authorize BBC Pool Service, LLC to bill the supplied credit card or any previous cards given for goods & services selected or unpaid balances after 30 days from invoice date. Either party can cancel this agreement with 30 days written notice. You agree to pay any balances for purchases or services provided. Thank you so much for your business!!
  • Credit Card Deatils

    Fall Winterization Services
  • Clear Signature
  • Fall Winterization Services